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Bassiversary - Bassin In The Boot's First Year

May 2020, Volume 113

A little over a year ago our story as a magazine began as a wild idea hatched on the water during a weekend fishing tournament. At the time we had a passion for fishing and saw just how many others shared our passion. On top of fishing, being born and raised on the waters of Louisiana we have a sincere appreciation for the culture, people, and love of the outdoors shared by so many statewide. As we got into fishing more we realized just how much all these things overlapped with the bass fishing industry and just how many great people there are involved with the industry across our great state.  Our mission was formed out of these ideals and we strive daily to learn, improve, support, and grow the bass fishing industry in Louisiana. 


As if the industry weren’t already popular and growing, we saw an opportunity to do more. Our first chance “interview” led us to Mr. Larry Bryant of Bryant’s Custom Jigs (BCJ).  Last May we covered BCJ along with a rod builder, Austin Battistella of Sinister Fishing. The more we talked with people in the industry the more contacts we made. We went on to cover many tackle manufacturers from the region like Cajun Lures and Rougarou Tackle, Blackjack Lures, and more.  We talked to more rod builders like Tangi Fishing Rods, Kajun Limb Outdoors, Bayou Built, and others. We had the privilege to get to know the owners, both new and old of Pro Gator Boats. And we have seen the stellar service of dealers and service companies like Bryan’s Marine, Cajun Outboards, Morris Marine, and others. 

Hop over to our partners page and check out some of these great companies!

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Original Bassin' In The Boot logo design from April 2019.


Our social media header includes the logos of our proud partners that have teamed up to make what we do at Bassin' in the Boot possible.  We sincerely thank them for their generous partnerships.

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The things we have seen in common with these companies? They’re all passionate about what they do for the industry, supporting their families, and maintaining a strong Louisiana base in the bass fishing industry. That’s not to say there aren’t challenges. Many of the guys we talked to had to surmount innumerable challenges to get where they are and yet they all were eyeing their next hurdle to overcome. Some common challenges included marketing and sales, branding, and logistical issues with product placement, packaging, and more. Like so many resilient folks across the industry that see challenges, we saw opportunities to help expand our industry across the state. 


As we celebrate our first “birthday” we continue to work with various partners in solving some of these challenges daily. One example is the product known as the Louisiana Triple Threat. We came across the product when covering Red Alert Lures for an article in the magazine. Mr. Keith Fussell, the man behind the design, is a retired disabled veteran living the dream of working in the fishing industry. He knew he had a special product and wanted help expanding his market and growing the product. That’s where we came in. A couple months later we joined the team with Mr. Keith and broke out the Louisiana Triple Threat into its own brand. We generated sales and marketing leads, provided product packaging design, product photography, and product placement. We designed and launched a website, helped streamline the production, and assisted with the business operations.

In essence, we did what we set out to do through Bassin’ in the Boot, albeit through a direct partnership with Mr. Keith, allowing him to focus more on the continued growth of Red Alert Lures, while showcasing our passion for the industry and the people in it. 


There continues to be partners we work with on a near daily basis to help grow their industry impact. A year into our mission we feel we have been blessed to help and meet so many proud Louisiana entrepreneurs. We hope they have benefited from us as much as we have learned from them. We know we have helped grow business but helping to spread the industry passion has been our main goal. 


We recently received feedback from one of our partners that some work we did benefitted them with a nearly 30% increase on a particular product line. We absolutely love hearing that! Almost as much as we love meeting new people in this amazing journey through the best bass industry there is - Louisiana proud!  Especially in our current times with so many challenges to businesses due to the fallout surrounding the global pandemic of COVID-19, we feel compelled to continue our mission more than ever. Despite a near complete halt in our ability to get out and canvass the state we have and will continue to do what we do. We sincerely thank all of our supporters through this time and ask only that you continue leading us to the people and stories across Louisiana. 


If you have a company involved in the Louisiana bass fishing industry and would like to have a safe and socially distant sit down with us, we would love to hear from you. Do you know if a business is needing brand services or support?  Feel free to mention us and let them know we are here to support the industry or let us know and we will reach out to them. With the undoubted challenges still ahead for an economic recovery from this pandemic, we are ready, willing, and eagerly able to partner with the many strong Louisiana based businesses to help them realize their goals, all the while continuing to fulfil our mission. 


Stay safe, and stay Louisiana proud. Support your local small businesses; they need your help more now than ever before. 


And GeauxBassin’!


-Interested in a company, product, or service listed in this article?  Head over to our partners page for more information.


The Louisiana Triple Threat logo.  Bassin' in the Boot partnered with the inventor to rebrand the product including logo design, website design, and more. 

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