The pandemic, in case you haven’t heard, started with a viral outbreak in and around Wuhan China. This Chinese virus made its way around the entire globe, with cases on every continent except Antarctica (so far). With the sudden on-set and wide-reaching effects, both in sickness and in narrative form, the virus has unfortunately brought us a “New Normal.” This has led to all sorts of odd and seemingly unrelated effects. One main effect we have seen is an explosion in the sport of fishing; particularly bass fishing. Being outdoors and enjoying nature is one of the few activities “allowed” with the new normal. For many, this has led to picking up an old past time, or gaining a new one, and hitting the water with family.
Before hitting the water though, many are picking up tackle and other fishing supplies in large quantities. With some of the highest sales numbers ever, many bait companies and stores alike are now experiencing the strains on both ends. Whether it be from a reduction in manpower due to Covid restrictions (such as reduced occupancy levels) or changes in the way of doing business (like spreading out workers and their workstations), a quick trip through any big box store fishing section will show you the struggle in supplying this huge jump in demand. As a part of our dealings across the state we routinely talk to tackle store managers. Many of those have told us the same thing; backorders! We have heard some of the most popular brands like those that “go speedily” and a “BiG” name in crappie baits have backorders reaching up to TWO YEARS. We have even been told that certain baits and colors simply cannot be ordered.
Big Time for the Little Guy
How pandemic supply chains are opening up room for local small businesses
September 2020, Volume 117
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While this sounds terrible for some in the industry, it can mean BIG business for the Little Guys. That’s right! For once, it’s the little guys who are better positioned in the industry. You see while many stores can’t get their hands on big brand items, the supply chains for the small bait makers have so far remained intact and are actually excelling at the moment. While there are some shortages and delays in some materials, the basics remain widely available. What does this mean? It means all the time you have spent supporting our small bait makers across the state, it has put them in place to be able to support you by providing you the products you need now in this time of shortages. In talking with several of the bait companies across our state, so many are now busy delivering their products in larger quantities than ever. This has a few feeling the strain, but most are happy to have the business.
With Hurricane Laura recently coming through, several of the local companies have had a bit of a business interruption, but most we have talked to are back at it. Not only are these folks working hard to deliver for you, many of them can even flat out match that go-to bait for you that’s not available at the box stores right now. In addition to the bait makers, many of our local tackle stores are faring better at maintaining stock compared to the box stores. So the next time you need a trip to the fishing isle, consider taking that trip to a local shop like Z’s Tackle in Lutcher, or The UPAK in Ferriday where you’ll likely be better off finding what you need, and will certainly get better service doing so! Reach out to any number of our great Louisiana based businesses and let them keep you supplied the next time you Geaux Bassin.
One of our local partners, Rougarou Tackle has clear supply chains to get you the products you need to #FishWildly ! Have a visit by clicking the logo above.
One of South Louisiana's finest tackle shops, Z's Tackle has amazing customer service and a wide selection of Louisiana made fishing products. Check 'em out by clicking their logo above.
With one of the finest tackle selections in the Miss-Lou, UPAK has you covered for all your on the water needs including gas, cold beverages, ice, live bait, tackle, and more! Check out their Facebook by Clicking their logo and stop by next time you're passing through Ferriday, LA. Tell 'em Bassin' In The Boot sent ya!