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Covid-19 Pandemic

April 2020, Volume 112

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Went over my gear and essentials for fishing today:  poles, baits and tackle, life vests, drinks, snacks, laptop – all check.  Laptop you ask?  Yes, I brought my laptop to the lake for some much needed reflection and perspective.  It’s spring break for me but I’ve been off work for nearly two weeks now.  As everyone is aware we are under a pandemic quarantine like never before in our country.  Now this is not a forum for political stances but this time has been difficult no matter which stance you take. 

The uncertainty of jobs and pay, childcare, school, heath issues, and the screeching halt to most things normal has taken our country, state and the bass fishing industry by surprise.  The vast majority of clubs choosing to either cancel, postpone, or at bare minimum change the way they conduct tournaments.  Our Bassin’ in the Boot Big Bass Thursday Tournament has changed to launch and go instead of a gathering and blast off format.  It’s all been a lot to take in and to take in fast. 

Just over two weeks ago almost everything was normal.  We were going about life same as most days and what seemed like all of a sudden school was closing, work was changing protocols, and folks were canceling bass tournaments.  The Dylan Kyle Poche Tournament we covered last month that was scheduled for March 28th was canceled along with most other open tournaments, high school events, collegiate level tournaments, and most professional tournaments as well. 

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Artistic rendering of a COVID-19 Corana Virus particle.  Image courtesy of the CDC Image Library.

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As I sit here in the Skeeter writing on a most gorgeous day in the middle of Lake Concordia, I cannot help but to marvel at the speed at which the most routine things in life came almost to a complete halt.  My mind also goes to the thoughts of family, friends, God, and country that tend to overwhelm a situation like this current pandemic.  People are concerned with the extreme of things like gun rights and church assembly amendments but mostly concerned with ensuring everyone has what they need to weather the storm.

I see people offering to help others.  I see people cheering for the small businesses.  I see people caring and concerned about their neighbor.  In the worst of times, I see the best coming out in people.  Now granted there was that initial run on toilet paper but what else would we have complained about had there been plenty? And the memes about toilet paper will surely be some of the best all year! 

I see an outpouring of concern for our fellow man and I see heroes like doctors, nurses, retail workers and truck drivers given the thanks and appreciation they deserve.  People are working together to fix problems and overcome obstacles and are again becoming the communities of which we want to be a part.  I see the American Spirit that overcame so many tough situations in life through the years.  I see a Louisiana that is pulling together and working to make the best of a serious situation.

Louisiana, my home, has always been a people that make the very best of a bad situation.  I mean, seriously we have Hurricane Parties, we build houses, bridges, and complete cities in the middle of the swamps, we work in industries like oil and gas, farming and forestry, commercial fishing and construction but most of all we put God, family and country above all else.  I’m proud to be from Louisiana!

In the words of the band Vidalia and their song Louisianne,

      “It’s a white-tail buck, It’s a 4-wheeler ride

       A Sunday Dinner with everything fried

       You might see people catching catfish with their hands

       It’s a back swamp, a 10 foot gator

       An ole man’s garden with home grown tomatoes

       We like to work hard and we’re proud of our farmer’s tan

       It’s Louisianne!”

Yeah Louisiana we are going to be just fine.  Once this is done and over and we put the COVID-19 behind us I hope we don’t forget the few good things it has brought us.  That sense of community, renewed national pride, the spirit of perseverance, as well as the love and dedication to the safety of our families and communities. 

So in the meantime, come together as a community by staying a part and following the guidelines set forth.  Protect yourself, family and friends, and love your kids and grandkids a little from a far.  Get out and enjoy the outdoors more, go for a bike ride, hike a trail, go fishing, or just stroll hand in hand down the street with your loved ones (keeping a 6 ft perimeter around you from others) or load the boat and geauxbassin! 

Check out the links below for more information on the Covid-19 Pandemic.

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