Kickin Bass for Cystic Fibrosis 2020
July 2020, Volume 115
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Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that effects the lungs and digestive system and can lead to a shortened life span for many of those effected. The body produces excessive mucus that can clog the lungs and cause obstructions in the pancreas. It is a hereditary disease requiring both parents to carry the trait in order for a child to be born with cystic fibrosis. When each parent is a carrier the possibilities are 1 in 4 chance the child will have CF, 2 out 4 chance the child will be a carrier but not have CF and a 1 out 4 chance the child will not have CF and not be a carrier.
Cystic Fibrosis effects more than 30,000 people in the United States and over 70,000 worldwide according to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. There are around a thousand new cases each year and most are diagnosed by age 2. More than half of the Cystic Fibrosis population are now over 18; much more encouraging than in early years of the disease. With preventions and treatments, it is becoming more and more common for CF patients to reach far into adulthood.
Chris and Erica McVay will be putting on the 3rd Annual Kickin’ Bass Tournament to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation this July 18th on Lake St. John in Ferriday, La. The event runs each year out of Spokane Resort and was originally scheduled for April 18th of this year, but unforeseen events (COVID 19) pushed the anticipated fundraiser back to July. We had asked Erica to give us a little background on the history of the event and how the McVays got involved; her response is below.

Young Asher McVay enjoying some time outdoors. We are looking forward to seeing him enjoying some time outdoors at the July event.
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The 3rd annual Kickin’ Bass for Cystic Fibrosis Tournament will be held April 18, 2020 on Lake St. John in Ferriday, La. The idea for this tournament came shortly after our nephew, Asher Farmer was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. Six days after his birth, my sister received a call that changed everything for their family and ours. Asher’s newborn screening and further testing showed that he had received 2 genetic mutations, which he inherited from each of his parents. The mutations further indicated that Asher had Cystic Fibrosis. This news was not only devastating, but also shocking for the whole family.
Since this is a rare disease, we were unfamiliar with the prognosis, symptoms and treatment for this terrible disease. What we learned is that CF is a progressive, genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time. Not only does CF affect the lungs, it can also affect the pancreas and liver. Since birth, Asher has been mainly experiencing issues with his pancreas and digestion. His parents are diligent with maintaining his treatment each and every day. This treatment includes giving Asher enzymes with every meal and snack, which total over 20 pills daily. Along with that, he takes a special vitamin, 2 additional medications that aid in the absorption of his pancreatic enzymes, an inhaler twice a day, and respiratory therapy twice daily. Thankfully, Asher is responding well to his treatment and is thriving.
After Asher’s diagnosis, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation became a valuable resource to our family. This nonprofit foundation is the world’s leader in finding a cure for this debilitating disease. Not long ago, the lifespan of someone with CF was very limited. Due to the improvements made with screening and treatment plans, people with CF are living into their 40’s and 50’s.
Each and every year, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation works hard to find a cure for CF. Much like the foundation’s motto, our family will not stop raising money and awareness until CF stands for Cure Found. This tournament is near and dear to our hearts and 100% of the proceeds are donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Not only will you be fishing for a great cause, but we will have door prizes, raffles, food and lots of fun! Please join us this year for the tournament and help us Kick some Bass for Cystic Fibrosis!
We thank Erica and Chris for sharing from their heart the struggles of their loved ones coping with this disease. We look forward to meeting Asher and family at Spokane at the tournament. With the current situation and uncertainty in the medical community right now we know everyone will respect the social distancing measures especially when interacting with the family.
Last year saw a weather shortened tournament as storms rolling through the areas moved weigh in up to 2 pm. Coming to the scale with 8.63 pounds, Greg Myers locked in the 3rd place spot just under Chris Valentine and Thomas Girod, who brought a sack weighing 8.98 pounds to the front of the line. Tipping the scales at near 15# was Kenneth Mahoney and Robbie Buckles with their 14.79 bag of bass.

Last years winners Ken Mahoney and Robbie Buckles enjoying the celebration at last years' event.
We look forward to the many participants and vendors that have and will contribute to the tournament with door prize donations, as well as helping hands in so many areas. If you are interested in fishing the tournament check out the Bassin’ in the Boot facebook or website for complete details or contact Chris McVay at 225-819-6845.
Cash only will be excepted the morning of the tournament. The cost is $100 per boat which includes $10 towards big bass pot plus your launch fees. Raffle tickets for the auction will be available for $5 for the drawing to be held at the weigh in. Come on out and support a great cause, have some fun, catch some fish and GEAUX BASSIN’!
Follow Kickin Bass for Cystic Fibrosis on social media and for more information on CF see CFF on the web.