Pandemic Pause
April 2020, Volume 112
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A little over two weeks ago, I was going through my normal routines living life. That seems like months ago. Over the past few weeks news of the Covid-19 outbreak, and then the Coronavirus itself has spread quickly around the entire globe. In a screeching reversal we saw markets erase three years of productive wealth building, oil crater by 50%, and fear grow boundlessly. Undoubtedly these are uncertain times with an unconventional enemy we cannot see, hear, smell, taste, and if touched it may be too late to defend against. The unknown now spanning weeks after a potential contraction before symptoms appear leaves many feeling artificially confident, despite drastic and near exponential growth occurring right here in Louisiana; where the pace of the virus spread has exceeded nearly everywhere else on the planet. With our culture, emergencies, disasters, catastrophes, even man-made terror, are no match for the resilience of our communities when we can come together. The irony of this pandemic is coming together is the very thing that spreads it. So how do we come together by staying apart? While that’s surely a new one for us, it’s a hurdle we will overcome.
The first presumptive case in Louisiana occurred on March 9th; less than three short weeks ago. At the time of this writing we now stand at over 5,200 cases, with over 239 deaths. Approximately one third of those requiring hospitalization require a ventilator, which has risen to the forefront of medical shortages, along with basics like surgical and N95 masks, protective face shields and gowns, and even the most common items we see in the medical industry are now in short supply, exam gloves. The outbreak has risen with unprecedented speed, growing daily anywhere from one to 1,200 cases in a single day! By March 22nd, the spread had reached a point where Governor Edwards issued a “Stay-at-home Order” for all non-essential employees. The problem with that is that the backbone industries of our state’s economy are nearly ALL ESSENTIAL. So while some lives are put on pause for quarantining and social distancing, a large portion of our workforce remains actively working. But while life may go on, many other events are paused or canceled.
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Small Louisiana based businesses that have partnered with Bassin' In The Boot are eager to earn your business. Many are taking precautions but remain active in serving their customers in these trying times.
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The 5th Annual Dylan Kyle Poche Memorial Bass Tournament scheduled for March 28th that we covered in last month’s edition was canceled. The raffle was held as scheduled on the 28th and the winners are as follows: taking first place winning a Garmin Force trolling motor was Star Hamous, taking second place winning a Browning Maxus shotgun was Johnny Winfree, third place with a Yeti Tundra 105 cooler was Donnie Olden, and rounding out fourth place with a cash prize of 500 Washingtons was Carter Moore.
Additionally this month’s Kickin’ Bass for Cystic Fibrosis 3rd Annual Team Tournament scheduled for April 18th is being postponed. Likewise many other local tournaments have either cancelled, postponed, or greatly modified their format to accommodate the new norms of “social distancing” and limiting gatherings to 10 persons or fewer. These cancellations and postponements haven’t been limited to local fishing, or local anything for that matter. With nearly all major sports, MLB, NBA, NFL, MLS, Nascar, PGA, B.A.S.S, NCAA, LHSAA, MLF, FLW, and others all cancelling or postponing events, including the Olympics, these are surely unprecedented times. In fact, it’s been over 100 years since the last worldwide event of this magnitude disrupted the worldwide population, since the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic.
Unfortunately it isn’t just the work and the events on pause. For many their very way of life is also on pause. You see for many small business owners whose shops are no longer frequented, who’s restaurants are no longer full, and who’s products are no longer selling, their bills are also no longer being paid. The true backbone of the economy – the small business – hangs in the balance with the stay-at-home orders and the widespread uncertainty. It is for this reason we humbly ask you to support your local small businesses if you are safely and financially able. Many of these entrepreneurs have become extremely resourceful to ensure they can continue to safely serve you in an effort to ensure they will once again be able to open their doors once this has all come to pass.
Like many of our partners, we too have been forced to reduce our activity this month. Reducing our travels and fishing tournaments has meant reducing our coverage and content for the month. We appreciate our readers and will try again next month to bring you more articles on all things bass fishing across Louisiana.
It is often the most unfortunate of events that brings out the best in humanity. To take a popular calling – “Be The Light”. Do your part to “flatten the curve”. If you can stay home do so. If you can safely support the elder population and help protect them, please do. Please keep the youngsters from large group interactions. If you know the vulnerable who need help, reach out and provide assistance or help get assistance. Do those things that make us all better, but be sure to do them safely. Keep safe social distances, disinfect touched surfaces and exchanged items, properly handle and cook foods for those in need, protect your sneezes and coughs, and if you can do nothing else, WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY! For further information on the Coronavirus please see the links below.
As always, please reach out to our partners if they can serve you; they are ALL continuing to serve their customers, some in very creative ways! There is a link below to our partners’ page, and you can get to any of our partners’ websites or social media accounts by clicking their logo on that page. Thank you for supporting Bassin’ In The Boot and all of our partners, as well as your local small businesses during these times. May brighter days lie ahead with tight lines and social interactions without a six foot buffer! God bless.
Check out the links below for more information on the Covid-19 Pandemic.